It’s almost that time FitFam, spring and warmer weather is just around the corner. We have been blessed with a few beautiful days at the end of February and beginning of March. Daylight savings time is next week, that means extra daylight!
We have officially wrapped up our aerobic bodybuilding and CF Open cycle. We will now be entering a Muscular Endurance Cycle with the intent of participating in Murph.
Murph is an event we complete each year in honor of Memorial Day. We honor the fallen by doing a workout in memorial of Michael Murphy and other soldiers that gave it all for our country and freedom. We will also host a community cookout. We typically do this event as a fundraiser for our local JROTC and future military personnel.
This year will be a little more special than others. As most of you know we lost a dear friend this past year. Elijah Beaty gave his life to spread the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Last year, Elijah had a goal to do Murph, he was going to make his first attempt with a partner and split the work. At the last minute, Elijah thought he was going to miss the event all together. He came in the day before and completed Murph by himself and found out afterward he was going to be able to attend the event. He showed up the next day and completed a half Murph.
In honor of Elijah, this year we are going to have an additional “Elijah” Challenge. This will consist of doing the version of Murph you choose on Saturday during our main event, then completing half Murph the following day on that Sunday. We will have more details on this challenge soon.
So what is Murph?
For Time
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
Don’t worry we will discuss options to complete this grueling workout and challenge.
What will your training look like through this cycle?
Moving into this cycle we will all be working together in the same time domains and movements. This cycle is about building muscular endurance and working together and supporting each other as a community.
So when you finish your workout, take time to encourage each other or help someone work through the last few reps as they finish a workout. We are stronger together!
Fitness and Health will be moving into this cycle with a strong foundation from the aerobic bodybuilding cycle. We will also continue to build endurance in those higher rep ranges.
Performance, if you have pushed and participated in open over our previous cycle, you will need to pull back a week or two and allow your body to recover and reset. If you did not get to test 10RM, work with weight that feels good for this moment.

Important Details for this cycle!
We will be working percentages on our established 10RM for Bench Press, Back Squat, and Romanian Deadlifts.
How to Calculate Percentages
Example: 300lbs Back Squat 10 Rep Max
65%= 300×0.65=195
It is important to have these percentages readily available as you come into class. Please be adamant with this task as it can be a big waste of time and may result in you not completing all of your working sets.
Through this phase we will be developing pull up and push up strength and muscular endurance. We will be implementing a progressive strength cycle for Bench Press, Back Squat, and Romanian Deadlift. We will spend time teaching and developing the skill of running, we will continue to create balance in the Lumbo Pelvic Hip complex and foot/ankle complex with the intent of supporting and developing stronger knees.
We are excited for this cycle and to see all the PR’s that will happen over the next 12 weeks.
How can you get the most out of this cycle?
Here are a few steps to help you see the best results through this cycle.
- Prioritize Sleep, stick to a routine sleeping schedule that allows you 6-8 hour sleep, 8 hours preferable.
- Manage stress!
- Take time for yourself, go for walks alone, come to the gym and get lost in a workout, take time to meditate, and pray.
- Cast your cares on the one who cares for you.
- Stay Hydrated, drink a minimum of 80-100oz water a day.
- Nutrition! Eat real food, not too much, and mostly plants.
- Get to the gym!
These steps may seem like a lot, I promise if you plan and just allot a little time for each you will reap the seeds sown in this season. We are here to help you, we want nothing but for you all to live your healthiest, happiest life possible.
I highly encourage you to prioritize your nutrition and evaluate your eating habits at this time. Our nutrition program is designed to help you navigate and develop healthier habits. If you haven’t experienced nutrition coaching, now would be the perfect time or if you would like to pick back up on our nutrition program there is no better time than now. If you want to get started with Nutrition Coaching, book a time to meet with Coach Amanda here: https://newhorizonathleticsfreeintroconsultation.as.me/nutritionintro
-Coach Adam