Category: Athletic Development

Athletic Development
Managing Workouts

The Crucial Aspect of High School Athletics: Respecting Multi-Sport Athletes’ In-Season Commitments

As someone who works closely with multi-sport athletes, I see firsthand the challenges they face and the mistakes that...

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Athletic Development
Managing Workouts

The Road to Recovery: When and How an Athlete Should Return to Sport After an Injury

In the life of an athlete, injuries can be a daunting setback. However, with the right approach, athletes can...

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Athletic Development
Managing Workouts

Why High School Athletes Need Progressive Strength Training

As a coach or parent of a high school athlete, you’ve likely seen well-meaning coaches throw together random exercises...

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Athletic Development
Managing Workouts

Understanding Aerobic Conditioning and Its Benefits for High School Athletes

What is Aerobic Conditioning? Aerobic conditioning, often referred to as cardiovascular or endurance training, involves exercises that improve the...

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Athletic Development

Understanding Anaerobic Conditioning and Its Benefits for High School Athletes

What is Anaerobic Conditioning? Anaerobic conditioning refers to high-intensity exercise that involves short bursts of activity where the demand...

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Athletic Development
Managing Workouts

The Importance of Anaerobic and Aerobic Conditioning for High School Athletes

Anaerobic Conditioning Anaerobic conditioning involves high-intensity exercises that push the body’s limits over short periods. These activities include sprinting,...

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Athletic Development

Pre-Season Training

Preseason training is the phase where athletes transition from off season to preseason training. Ideally this phase will last...

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Athletic Development

Off-Season Training

An athlete’s regular season has high demands both physically and mentally. During the season an athlete’s physical and mental...

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Athletic Development

In-Season Training

Most athletes get this wrong! If you have followed my previous blog post “Phases of Training”, for High School...

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Athletic Development

Olympic Weightlifting and Athletic Development

Olympic Weightlifting is ONE of the best ways to develop an athlete. Olympic Weightlifting has been around for years....

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